Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Carless Hot Dog Eater

The recent lack of blog postings has not been due to a lack of activity, rather the opposite! We're running on the ragged edge lately yet holding it together. Steph and I agree that we anticipated the move would be tough, but maybe not quite this tough!

After work I picked up Colombian work-friend Roberto at O'Hare in our beloved car, then watched him drive away in exchange for a check (luckily I arrived early and made time for an authentic Chicago hot dog at the nearby Plush Pup--one of my few regrets in Chicago is not eating more of those suckers). I took the el and bus back home feeling strange--the first time carless since 16. Later that night Steph and I selected and segregated a month's worth of necessities along with another gigantic pile of everything we're giving away; then we tagged every remaining item in the house as "Take" or "Leave" for the movers.

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