Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Movers Come...

The movers showed up Thursday morning and packed all day, supervised by Stephanie. I submitted our visa paperwork to the Swiss consulate downtown that morning before working my last day. Steph was actually complimented by a SWISS woman on her paperwork organization, now that's a good sign!

That evening after work featured a work going-away party for me at O'Callaghan's pub on Hubbard. Both my twin brother Troy and college roommate Steve were in town from Minneapolis and Denver, respectively, on phony-baloney work trips to bid us farewell. Steph, Steve, Troy and I capped off the evening of ale-drinking with an awesome late dinner at Joe's Stone Crab--complete with bone-in fillet, signature stone crab claws and martinis--the only place that would serve us at 10pm.

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