Sunday, January 27, 2008

Quick ITYS

[I must interrupt my theorizing momentarily. Like everyone, I simply hate to say I Told You So, however the timing is too perfect. Not fourteen hours after posting the Theory's initial tenant--Expats are Like Dog Owners--I scored a major coup in my own mind about which Stephanie is already weary of hearing.

It's Sunday today and like everyone with insufficient foostuffs on a Sunday, the family visited Bahnhof Stadelhofen for the only open grocery store. While Hobbes and I waited outside, a woman and her son approached to pet His Hairiness. She started complementing Hobbes and asking his name in German, when I recognized perfect Midwestern American English spoken with her son and we started chatting.

Their family was also originally from Illinois but has lived in various locations in Switzerland and Germany for 15 years. We then talked for 20 minutes about cultural differences between Switzerland and America, food purchasing tips, experiences adjusting to a new culture, and some Swiss history regarding reasons for current lifestyle practices. A fairly in-depth conversation with a complete stranger, no doubt? And the brilliant part was its actually being predicated by dog ownership. Yes, my arm is broken from the self-back-patting and I'll be checking into the Klinik now, thanks very much...]

1 comment:

Marti said...

Ha, ha, ha! How funny! Hobbes is a magnet. He attracts people no matter where he goes. He's your best asset, you know. Ha, ha, ha!