Saturday, September 22, 2007

Job Roller Coaster

Egads, what a mess. The latest update on my job fortunes had been that my company was working to create a position for me in Europe in order to continue my valued employment and to capitalize on some unrealized European business opportunities in several different markets. While at first I hadn't expected things to work out, the vibe has actually been quite positive and I was optimistic.

Until yesterday. The two General Managers, including my boss, with Europe opportunities conducted their meeting with the COO. I wasn't in the meeting, but he apparently surprisingly shot down the proposal before they really got going. His view has merit, that is, that my move was an "opportunistic distraction" (I'm paraphrasing) from the important business strategies already in place. Said another way, the GM's can execute their current strategies and hit their goals without Europe, but if they spend extra time on me and
don't hit their goals, everyone is in trouble. It's a conservative approach, and of course it was probably overly influenced by the personalities and history involved, but there you go. It's certainly not personal against me and I always knew that the timing was a risk.

So my hopes aren't officially dashed just yet, but they're probably on life support. Of course, there are pros and cons to this outcome, both financially and professionally, but I'm not sobbing in my Pilsner just yet. For his part, Hobbes is thrilled because he enjoys company during the days, as long as you don't listen to music and interrupt his napping. I'm sure this isn't the final word on this topic so stay tuned!

1 comment:

Marti said...

Well, what can you say? They still have a few weeks to reconsider, but in any case, their loss is Hobbes' gain.