Saturday, September 1, 2007

Brutal (or Easy) Start to the Weekend

Labor Day weekend started abominably early this morning as Steph and Todd woke up at 5:30am and 6:30am (that may not sound early but believe me, it was) for training for the Chicago Marathon and Lake Geneva (WI) triathlon, respectively. That is, Steph ran 18 miles (crazy!) and Todd biked 26 and then ran 6 miles (sane!).

If you hadn't heard, the Chicago Marathon upped its quota to what feels like 170,000 participants this year. It's necessary to hit the shoestring-wide Chicago lakefront path as early as possible so that only the first 70,000 are clogging up the works, before the remaining 100,000 show up at 8:15am. Then simply add a few thousand spandex-clad jerky bikers and stir.

So Stephanie, who suffered during her 16-miler last weekend, breezed through her 18-miler today. That's just over 3 hours of running. For whatever reason, the Marathon Training gods were smiling on her. Probably because they had already decided to lash out at one of her training partners, who pulled up lame after straining (or shredding, who knows?) an unidentified lower leg muscle.

Todd didn't fare so well. The bike went okay, but I fell apart on the run. Check out the split times for the six miles: 8:34, 8:44; 8:59, 9:24, 11:00 (was I crawling?), 10:02. I may have been still dehydrated (or drunk?) from Wednesday's Cubs game. Total bike/run time was just over 2-1/2 hours. The Lake Geneva triathlon is next weekend, so I simply need to tack on a mile-long swim before the hilly bike/run and I'm done. No sweat.

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