Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pictorial Evidence

Hey, free pics are posted from the Zürich Tri- athlon! Since I don't care enough to purchase the actual pics, the copies here are besmirched (how often can you use that word?) quite effectively by the photo company. In this first pic, it appears I'm beating two worthy but slightly less gifted competitors across the finish line. That's how I choose to remember it, when in fact the bike course was probably nowhere near completed. Perhaps they were lapping me, I don't recall.

Second picture looks like an individual time trial, pounding out a breakneck speed against my perpetual enemies: the clock and my own uncompromising sense of achievement. Actually I don't know where everyone else is in this photo. But look at that expression of pure concentration.

Last but not least, the picture cresting "Heartbreak Hill", although I'm not sure which of the three iterations during the race. Other similar pictures were posted where my grimacing, spitting and cursing appear more clearly, but the photo logo unfortunately lies even more directly over my face. Check out the scenic overlook behind. That was my private joke (also during training) every time I reached the top, unable to breathe but panting, "Nice...view...Nice...viewww!" But why are all the spectators facing the wrong way?

So I've got at least one more event in me this season, hopefully two (a long and a short). Lausanne, the city near which I work on the French side, hosts their Olympic triathlon in about five weeks and down in the crazy Swiss-Italian canton of Ticino (do you know the name Fabian Cancellara, early yellow-jersey wearer in this year's Tour de France? He's from there...) they host a half-IronMan and a sprint (yes, I'll be doing the sprint).

Speaking of the 2009 Tour de France, I have some additional pictures to post soon.

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