Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Secret Life of Hans

Although I fairly recently updated the peanut gallery on the SOTD (State of the Dog), we accum- ulated several more pictures for a brief post. You may remember Hobbes--alias Hans--battling swans for position some mornings in the Zürichsee. On less combative days, rather than downhill to the lake we occasionally head uphill via tram to a stream feeding it. Zürich's attention to green space is superb, so a ten minute trip from our front door grants access to several miles of rolling, forested streamside path that feels more like North Carolina wilderness than a metropolitan periphery. Hobbes of course has "discovered" and committed to memory (that oh-so-selective canine memory) several excellent stream access points near which he now can't be contained.

So here are some extra pictures of tennis ball fetch in his favorite waterfall lagoon, just an average day in the super secret and spoiled life of Hans. http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=2hd8fyj.ciho81u3&x=0&y=8o2fv5&localeid=en_US

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